Add watermark pdf online free
Add watermark pdf online free

add watermark pdf online free

Dynamic customer data inputs (customer first name, last name, email, order paid date, and phone).Watermarks upon click of either the customer’s order confirmation page link, email order confirmation link, or My Account page download links.Watermark is applied to all pages of every PDF purchased.Super customizable placement: watermark can be moved all over the page, allowing for different paper sizes (such as letter, A4, legal, etc).Files do not need to be in a specific directory.Watermark only designated PDF downloads (as specified by you), or all PDF downloads from your site.If have a WordPress site and need to watermark PDFs, but do not have WooCommerce, check out WP TCPDF Bridge. This plugin watermarks WooCommerce PDF products when downloaded. Please note you must have WooCommerce plugin installed and activated for this plugin to work. You may encounter problems if your PDF is malformed (bad PDF syntax), encrypted, web-optimized, linearized, or if your server cannot handle the memory load of PDF processing. This process isn’t fool-proof, but works well in many cases. Upon WooCommerce purchase download link, this plugin uses the open source TCPDI and TCPDF libraries to customize your PDF. Your watermark is highly customizable and manipulatable, practically magic! Not only that, but since the watermark is added when the download button is clicked (either on the customer’s order confirmation page or email), the watermark can include customer-specific data such as the customer’s first name, last name, and email. The watermark is customizable with font face, font color, font size, placement, and text. Watermark PDF is a plugin that adds a watermark to every page of your sold PDF file(s). Protect your intellectual property! Watermark PDF for WooCommerce allows WooCommerce site administrators to apply custom watermarks to PDFs upon sale.

Add watermark pdf online free